Interior Design

Fibers: Dyes

Japanese Shibori techniques are incorporated to create various designs with Indigo and Logwood dyes

Color has always been a huge impact in our lives and whether we like it or not, color influences our emotions, behavior, and our perception of certain things. In continuation of my last project dealing with the color purple, I find myself to be in a transition of colors. The color purple was significant to me a few months ago because it was a color that I saw often and I associated it with the hardships, issues, and loss that I was going through at the moment and I wanted to take that color purple and “own” it by not letting it control me and make me think of the issues that I was dealing with. As a result, I made the color purple my “own” and transformed myself through this “purple” phase. As time has passed and as I, as a person, have healed and grown in many ways throughout these past few months, I find myself associating myself and drawn with another color. Blue. In color psychology, blue represents serenity, peace, trust, loyalty, security, stability, and tranquility. This truly accurately represents this part of my life as I have grown into someone who is stable, getting peace within oneself, and accepting the things in the past and not letting it haunt me anymore as I continue on to the next chapter of my life. Although, I do sometimes have moments where I do dwell in the past, I’ve become more aware of this behavior and have connected with others who want to be there for me instead of isolating and shutting myself out. The color blue reminds me of something fresh and exciting and I am very eager to see where this chapter in my life goes :-)

In my project, I dyed two pieces of clothing with the logwood dye to represent the past and I dyed the other two pieces of clothing with the indigo dye to represent my present. I wanted to make this “fashion line” to represent the transition between these two colors that have impacted me. In addition, shibori techniques were incorporated to show texture in the clothing to represent the obstacles of hardships and loss that I have been through.
